Repairing Roof Shingles

Every do-it-yourself project-builder understands how important it is to know how to repair roof shingles. Fortunately, most projects relating to repairing or replacing roof shingles are basic enough that they can be tackled by the homeowner and won’t require the services of a contracted professional. However, it is important to realize that working on roofs pose a serious threat of danger, and it is vital to ensure your safety before working on a roof.

If you don’t trust your abilities than you should contract a professional who is trained and more secure in handling roof work. If however, you feel comfortable working on your roof, and then by all means, you should engage in the project and repair the shingles yourself. Some roofs may require you to replace individual shingles, or you may need to tear off the old shingles and install new ones. When roof shingles become damaged, they can cause your roof to leak and suffer damage.

The first step in repairing roof shingles will be to gently lift the shingle tabs that are holding the shingle in place. It is also important to note if the broken shingle is actually nailed in or if it is a shingle that is adjacent to the broken one that you are replacing. You will need to carefully lift up the shingle tab, and then you can pry up on the nail head and remove the nail. Once you have access to the broken shingle, you can remove it easily.

It is also a good idea to keep extra roof shingles on hand. Many times, new homeowners discard extra roof shingles, not thinking that they will need them in the future. However, it is inevitable not to lose some roof shingles throughout the longevity of being a homeowner. By saving your shingles, you can ensure that when it is time to make repairs that you will have matching shingles readily available.

After you have removed the damage shingle, simply replace it with your new shingle, cut a new tab for it, and then secure it with roofing nails. You may also choose to use roofing tar to secure the shingle down and fill in any gaps that you notice. It is also important to replace any nails that were removed in any shingles that were adjacent to the damaged shingles.

If you are going to replace all of your shingles and start a new installation, then it may be beneficial to have a friend help you who has experience with roofing. If you feel confident in doing the project then you will begin by removing the existing shingles. This is accomplished by tearing the old shingles off. This can be accomplished by using a variety of tools. Pitchforks, shovels, and shingle scrapers are all used in the scraping and removing of existing tiles. With the shingle scraper, you can simply insert the scraper under the shingle, then lift. The scraper pries up the old shingles including any roofing nails. After you have removed all of the old roof shingles, you can then install the new shingles.

If you are looking for a professional Iowa roofing contractor, please call 877-733-6400 or complete our online request form.

Everything You Wanted To Know About Roofing

All homes are built with a few common essentials. Walls, doors, windows, and beams are a few components that are common to all, whether a small cottage or a high-rise skyscraper. The roof of a house is one of the most important aspects of any construction. Selecting the right roofing option in accordance with the climatic conditions can go a long way in providing an long-lasting and beautiful home.

Since the roof is one of the most important external elements of a house, it should not only be durable, but also have an aesthetic appeal. There are several different roofing options available today. Although asbestos is a cheap and popular material, it is fast being replaced by tiled and metal roofing. These alternatives prove to be long lasting and also tend to reflect direct heat to a greater extent as compared to asbestos. Apart from different roofing materials, the homeowner can also use a variety of external paints to coat the roof. These paints not only add color to the roof, but also provide insulation from extreme heat and are resistant to mildew and algae.

To maintain longevity of the roof, the homeowner must undertake regular repairs and maintenance. This is important as the roof takes a lot of damage from the elements of nature, compared to any other part of the house. This tends to necessitate routine “wear and tear” roof repairs. Care should be taken to ensure that no trees are growing in close proximity as falling branches may damage the roofing.

The roof may also develop black streaks, which is an indication of a mold, algae or fungus growth. These conditions are common in areas of high humidity and may lead to the weakening of the roof structure and leakage problems.

The homeowner may undertake minor roof repairs. However, it is advisable to consult a specialist in case of major repairs. A good roof is a crucial component of a well designed home. Maintaining a house maybe difficult, but by utilizing the right roofing materials, one can minimize future problems.

Author: Josh Riverside

If you are looking for a professional Iowa roof inspection contractor, please call 877-733-6400 or complete our online request form.

Why Roof Replacement in Iowa is a Major Home Improvement Project

Roof replacement in Iowa is a noisy, dirty and very laborious kind of job. The people living in the house have to be prepared to undergo some amount of discomfort if they intend to stay within the house while the repair is being done. Roofing cement is the equivalent of duct tape for roofs. It will repair most leaks, cracked or torn shingles, patch flashing around vent pipes and chimneys. Obviously this is not a good option for the long term and you must take action and plan for the future as soon as possible to avoid interior damage.

Roofing material replacement is costly and quality installation is needed for the roof to last. When inquiring with roofing companies we recommended that you chose a company that will be here for the long run, just in case. Roof repair companies will most likely advise you to replace your roof and pay them to do so. It is wise to investigate alternative sources of information, specifically unbiased sources which are not seeking to sell anything. Roofing systems must also achieve a balance of durability, cost, weight, appearance, manufacturability and ease of installation when being considered for use. Regrettably, previous products have not made use of maturing technologies and advanced material applications now available from the Aerospace field.

Wind direction plays an important role, as well as roof pitch. A direct impact of hail on a shingle is more damaging than that of a glancing blow. Wind blow-off coverage ranges from winds of 60mph to 110 mph. Labor costs for replacing damaged shingles is for three to 10 years. Also, Windows and Doors are components that may need light scraping and painting to appear new and operational.

Roofs with shingling set directly on solid sheathing and where there is insulation packed tightly between the wooden rafters without adequate ventilation run the risk of condensation-related moisture damage to wooden roofing components. This is particularly true for air-conditioned structures. Roofs are subject to extremes of temperature, receiving the full exposure of the sun as well as suffering from the extremes of cold. No other part of the average home sees a wider cycle of temperatures.

Roof replacement is rarely a choice someone makes because they prefer a different color or some other cosmetic change. For most of the world, roof replacement is expensive and an investment that is made when there is no other choice. Roof replacement is a major home improvement project which can be costly. Homeowners want to ensure they use only the best roofing professionals, equipment and materials for their new roof. If a Roof replacement is then required make sure you select a color that you can live with for many years to come.

Roof framing should be designed at 20 pounds per SF, so there is no danger of collapse, however, snow and wind loads may cause deflection. Heavy weight shingles can be 50% heavier than standard or 20-year shingles.

As always just be sure to do your homework when trying to find the best Iowa roofing contractor for the job. The lowest price is not always the best way to go and if you choose to make your final decision on just that fact, be prepared to be disappointed most of the time.

If you are looking for a professional Iowa roofers, please call 877-733-6400 or complete our online request form.

How To Handle A Leaky Roof

Finding out where a leak is on your Iowa roof isn’t always as easy as it would appear to be. When trying to locate a leak, use the following guidelines to assist you. NOTE: whenever you see the words “the leak area,” it refers to an area within a 10 foot (3 meter) diameter of the leak.

Flat or Low-Slope Roofs

Inspect any roof drains near the leak area. If they are plugged or draining slowly, then there is a strong chance that they are the reason for the leaks. Drains are rarely waterproof if they are plugged. They are generally designed and constructed for water to flow in one direction only…down.

Inspect any material seams in the area of the leak. Just because you see “tar” or adhesive sticking out under a lap, it doesn’t mean that the material is adhered properly. Take a flat blade about 2 inches (5 cm) long (like a pocketknife blade), and gently run it along under the lap. If it slides in more than 1 inch (2.5 cm), then the seam should be sealed. If it slides in for the length of the 2 inch blade, it’s a good suspect for a leak.

Look carefully at all penetrations for signs of problems. Problems include holes in the metal flashings, shrunken pitch pan filler, deteriorated caulking, curled flashing flanges that are sticking up through the roof membrane, or any other visible defects. Look for blisters that have been punctured.

Look closely at expansion joint seams. These are often faulty.

Check for splits in the area. Do this by walking the area with your feet close together and taking many small steps, turning in all directions. If there is a split, you’ll see the roof separate between your feet.

If the leak occurs near the edge of the building, check the edge metal. It can separate at the seams and tear the roof membrane in the process.

Check under debris. A lot times, if debris has been sitting on a roof for a long period of time, then it can hold water which will expedite roof deterioration. Bird, rodent, and other vermin nests have been found under piles of debris on roofs.

If you get a freak rain storm that dumps horrendous amounts of water on your roof in a short period of time, and all of a sudden you have half a dozen leaks where before there were none, don’t get overly excited. Most roofs are not designed or constructed to handle that much water all at once.

If you look carefully, and find nothing on the roof, then check your attic or ceiling space. What is mistaken for a roof leak can sometimes be a problem with the plumbing, especially with commercial buildings because fire sprinkler lines usually run along the attic space. This is often identified by a leak occurring when it isn’t raining.

Another problem that is frequently mistaken for a roof leak is a poorly designed roof-mounted HVAC unit. HVAC units can have faulty pans in them which will permit water to enter the building during a rain storm.

If you are looking for a professional Iowa roofers, please call 877-733-6400 or complete our online request form.

The Basics of Roofing

Roofing is something that every Iowa area home owner needs to know something about, after all it is about the roof over your head and is directly linked to the quality of life in your house. Looking for a new roof for a house can be an exhausting work, the research for the materials and the negotiations with the roofing contractors, even before any material has been purchased and any work begun you may find yourself giving up the idea, just for the sheer scale of the project and what it involves.

If you are looking to get a new roof on your house, you will have to think about the way you are going to get the work done, many people think that they can do the work themselves only to later discover that they cant, and than they are in a desperate situation that needs urgent help, which usually costs them much more than if they would have planed things right. When you are thinking of getting a new roof for your house, chances are that you will not want to go at it alone. Not only is the construction dangerous, but it is hard to select the correct roofing materials and to construct it in a structurally-reliable manner.

There are, of course, advantages to getting a professional to do the roofing for you. The number one advantage of hiring a roofing contractor is that you will be able to get expert feedback on what materials you need, for both aesthetic and practical reasons. If you have any questions about damage to your roof, or anything to do with style, you will be able to speak with your roofing contractor. Another advantage of using a roofing contractor is that you are ensured of having the job done right the first time, there should be maximal efficiency to the roofing contractor work, allowing you minimal time of work on your house and the absolute minimum discomfort for you and your family while the work is being done.

Not only can they do what you request of them, but your Iowa roofing contractor may also be able to locate any problem areas that may be arising. This is very important because if you can get these areas repaired early on, you may be able to avoid a lot of damage to your home down the road. It is very important to get a roofing job done as professionally and as thoroughly as possible, since most people do not go about changing their roof every few years you may want to think of all the aspects of this project before you sign any agreement or buy any material.

Naturally you should find out if the Iowa roofing contractor you are going to hire is the right person for the work so you may want to ask them for some references. The best way that this can be done is asking what other houses in your neighborhood that they have worked on, look at the work, listen to other peoples experience and that would make your decision easier. This way you can go by and see what the roof looks like, and also ask these people what they thought of the level of service that they received. By checking out potential contractors up front, you will be able to avoid running into problems after they have already started the job.

If you are looking for a professional Iowa roofing contractor, please call 877-733-6400 or complete our online request form.